Complete Voucher List
Get involved in an effective tuition reduction program!
It is through availability, cheerfulness, choice and unflagging tenacity that the voucher committe encourages each and everyone to exchange money for vouchers at no cost to facilitate Timothy tuition fee reduction, courtesy of retail corporations in our community.
The difference we can make together!
An annual $40,000 commitment to tuition = a $27.00 monthly reduction in tuition
An annual $80,000 commitment to tuition = a $54.00 monthly reduction in tuition
An annual $360,000 commitment to tuition = a $243.00 monthly reduction in tuition
Q. What is a voucher?
A. A voucher is simply a gift card that you can redeem at a number of local stores - grocery, gas, restaurants and more. They are the same cards that you may already use (e.g. Tim Hortons cards).
Q. How does the voucher committee make money from the voucher program?
A. The committe purchases the vouchers at a discount from the stores. Depending on the store, they will give us anywhere from 2-15% off of the card's value. The committe then sells them at the face value and the difference is given to Timothy.
Q. Do I have to pay for a month's worth of groceries in advance?
A. Absolutely not! You can purchase vouchers weekly, monthly or however it suits you. If you buy a month's worth of vouchers you can pay using post-dated cheques - pay if off one cheque a week, or postdate your cheques to coincide with your paycheck, or however it works best for you. The committee remains as flexible to make sure that the system works for you.
Q. Where can I purchase vouchers that support Timothy School?
A. Vouchers can be purchased from Timothy School and from local volunteers. Call the school today for a representative close to you!