Graduate Profile

Education is a life-long journey and we are privileged to be a part of that journey with our students. By the grace of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is our desire that Timothy Christian School Grade 8 graduates be equipped to:

Know the LORD:
A Timothy Christian School graduate will: develop a thorough knowledge of the Bible story, understanding that God created man in His image, but man fell into sin - in His abundant grace, God provided a Saviour who ransomed us on the cross and who now reigns forever; the graduate will not only grow in this knowledge, but through this knowledge increase in love for the LORD.

A Timothy Christian School graduate will: learn to face challenges and overcome obstacles;
confront problems relentlessly and seek solutions persistently; grow in confidence and, when challenged, not be ashamed of the gospel, but will stand firm in faith.

Practice Compassion:
A Timothy Christian School graduate will: develop a heart for service; learn to see others as equal image-bearers of God and humbly seek the others’ well-being; learn to seek out those who are in need and strive to meet those needs wherever possible, thus reflecting the grace of God.

Discern the Truth:
A Timothy Christian School graduate will: not only learn to pursue truth but will consistently place all things under the lens of God’s Word; learn to apply Biblical knowledge to all situations in an effort to determine what is right and then pursue it.

Demonstrate Competency:
A Timothy Christian School graduate will: grow in mastery of a variety of valuable skills; learn to analyze and apply their learning in all situations; will develop their God-given talents in an environment of collaboration and honesty that helps pursue excellence.

Referee Team / Intramurals


Another way that students in grades 6-8 can become more involved in extra-curricular activities is to be a member of the referee team. This team is made up of teachers and students whose responsibility is to organize intramurals efficiently and fairly. In order to be on this team, students must know the rules of the different sports or be willing to learn them. They also must be assertive enough when a call needs to be made. Referees must be impartial and desire that everyone have a positive experience during intramurals. Once again, these ativities teach students to work in cooperative groups and develop leadership skills in sometimes challenging situations.