Our Purpose

Timothy Christian School’s mission is to assist the parents by providing a quality, biblically based, Christ centered, elementary education to Reformed, covenant children with the intent that they develop their talents and grow in love and service to God and their neighbour.

Assist Parents in the Task of Educating Their Children

Timothy Christian School is a community school, established by members of the Canadian Reformed Church to provide a place where covenant children could receive Reformed education subjected to the scrutiny of the Word of God and the doctrine of the Church. As a school established for this purpose, Timothy Christian School seeks to align its instruction with that of the Church and which builds on instruction provided by Reformed parents.

The school fills a unique place in the established threefold structure consisting of church, home, and school. Timothy Christian School exists to assist parents to fulfill the covenantal obligations made at baptism. Timothy Christian School regards those within the covenant community as heirs and fellow heirs of the kingdom, regardless of whether they are parents, teachers, or students. The school also acknowledges that the role of fulfilling the obligations falls primarily on the parents and maintains an open line of communication with parents.

The task of teachers is to assist parents in teaching children the ways of the Lord. While parents are not to abdicate this responsibility to teachers, the role of the teacher is to build on this work so that students may develop their knowledge and competency to eventually be able to take on the independence of living as children of God.

Provide a Quality, Biblically Based, Christ Centered Elementary Education

Covenantal Education is based on the foundation of scripture which instructs one to work within God’s creation, growing in knowledge of it to care for it, to the end that human beings may glorify their God and provide service to their neighbour.

The basis of Covenantal Education and instruction is the infallible Word of God as it is summarized and confessed in the Three Forms of Unity: The Heidelberg Catechism; The Belgic Confession; and The Canons of Dort. All elements of Reformed education need to be subjected to the scrutiny of the Word of God and the doctrine of the Church. The manner of instruction and its curriculum imparts knowledge deliberately permeated with the doctrines of scripture. While also important, the teaching of the Ministry of Education requirements is secondary but not ignored. Education at Timothy Christian School by seeking first to glorify God, will necessarily be of a higher and more enduring quality, effectively preparing them for secondary education.

By incorporating deliberately biblically based education into the classroom, Timothy Christian School seeks to assist its students in acquiring knowledge imparted through listening to God’s word and proclamation and developing their confidence through their witnessing of Christ and His work of salvation. Knowledge obtained in this manner is worked by the Holy Spirit as a gift of grace. Christ centered education views the work and person of Christ as pivotal to all of creation and history. Timothy Christian School develops the scriptural and moral character of its students so that they acknowledge and accept the Lord as sovereign; encouraging them to willingly use their God given talents to praise and glorify their God and serve their neighbour.

Educate Reformed Covenant Children

Timothy Christian School is firmly established in the established threefold structure of church, home, and school. All members within the covenant community are heirs and fellow heirs of the kingdom, regardless of whether they are parents, teachers, or students. Students are covenant believers who lack only knowledge, understanding and maturity.

Scripture teaches that God made humankind in his image, perfect and without sin. Despite that, humans fell into sin and require the sacrifice of Christ to be saved. Already in paradise, God established a covenant with His adopted children, demanding obedience to Him, which is demonstrated in love for Him and love of one’s neighbour. Students are educated in a manner whereby the rich promises of God and His covenantal obligations bestowed on them at baptism are instilled within their character.

The entire program of study at Timothy Christian School must work within this covenantal structure in all subject matter. Students are taught about the created order of God so that they may grow in their relationship with God, revering Him and acknowledging, in awe, all of God’s works. Within this covenantal framework, students ultimately respond by seeking to live their lives harmoniously in service to God and their neighbours.

Develop God Given Talents

God has imparted to each unique individual gifts and talents which must be developed. Timothy Christian School seeks to develop the scriptural and moral character of its students in order that they may willingly use their God given talents developing them to the potential that God has given them, to thankfully praise and glorify their God as willing servants of God and their neighbour. Together with the parents, teachers build the student’s knowledge and competence so that they may grow up to be independent, discerning individuals.

Encourage Growth in Love and Service to God and Neighbour

Education at Timothy Christian School seeks to encourage students to grow in their relationship with God, revering Him and acknowledging all of God’s works.

All curriculum is broken down into age-appropriate grades, subjects, lessons and units. Nevertheless, despite its inherent segmentation, education must be integrated into one goal: knowledge of, and full submission to, the will of God. Ultimately achieving this goal bears fruit as students are encouraged to live their lives harmoniously in service to God and their neighbours.

In addition to the educational elements, teachers strive to be living models of godliness, leading the children to Christ by their daily example. Through the example of godly service within a covenantal school community, students are encouraged to become servant leaders and seek to emulate it in their own walk of life.