Learning in Intermediate Grades (7 & 8)

The purpose of Intermediate education in elementary schools is to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills they will need to successfully begin high school. Learning in these two grades becomes content heavy as the students begin to learn about specific time periods in History, genres in Literature, fields of Science (biology), and more. Teachers deploy a variety of teaching techniques to engage the students and cultivate some student ownership in the learning process.

Building on the important foundation of Mastered Core Content and skills, Creative and Critical Thinking, Clear Communication, and Collaboration, the students are continually challenged to pursue excellence in all areas. This pursuit requires the development of a Growth Mindset that will allow them to persevere through challenges and produce beautiful work. (see Deeper Learning)

Students in Grades 7 & 8 have exciting opportunities in extracurricular activities. Timothy students participate in several sport seasons including Soccer, Cross-Country Running, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, and Track & Field. There is also an opportunity to participate in an annual Chess tournament and a biennial Speech and Poetry recitation competition.

All Grade 8 students are given the opportunity to be a part of our SALT (Student Action Leadership Team) program. This program helps students build their leadership skills with careful mentoring by staff members and numerous opportunities to serve the Timothy community.